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Store interior

Butiksinredningar från Sverige.


We deliver the whole in all materials.
Regardless of whether you as an architect have drawn it or whether we have designed the store.

There are many exciting materials that are combined and create completely new experiences for your customers and enhance your products.  


We make special furnishings for your store at the right price and which is 100% Swedish-made. 

It gives you a shop with a clear conscience. 

A store interior can contain a lot of store interior that is standard, which is combined with special interior to elevate your store in the right places and products. It provides a cost-effective combination and a unique appearance.

Store interior

SmÃ¥land interiors helps your chain of stores with  store interior, warehousing and distribution. SmÃ¥landsinredningar provides a number of services for store chains within shop fittings.






We produce documents / construction drawings on designs from design agencies. We adapt ideas and visions to production and come up with suggestions for improvements. The furnishings are then produced in our production.


We design and refine all or parts of the range. 

We produce shop fittings in wood, metal, composite and plastic.

We deliver all or parts of the furnishings, which are received by our partners and installers.


Products that are used continuously, we keep in stock while waiting for new stores to be established or supplemented.





Genuine shop interior

We believe that a genuine shop interior,

created with commitment and the right knowledge

about the customer.

Your brand is more than products and services. What feelings do you want to convey? We help you all the way from idea to delivery, regardless of whether you are a store chain or an individual store that wants to think anew.

Butiksinredning premium


Att skapa en effektiv butikslayout är avgörande för att maximera försäljningen och ge kunderna en behaglig shoppingupplevelse. Smålandsinredningar hjälper till att göra en genomtänkt butik som kan guida kunderna genom olika avdelningar.


En butikslayout som kan locka kunderna att utforska produkter de kanske inte ens visste att de behövde. En bra butikslayout tar hänsyn till faktorer som varornas placering, trafikflödet och skyltningens effektivitet. Genom att noggrant analysera och justera butikslayouten kan företag öka både försäljningen och kundnöjdheten.


Att investera tid och resurser i att utforma och upprätthålla en attraktiv butikslayout kan vara en kritisk framgångsfaktor för detaljhandelsföretag i dagens konkurrensutsatta marknad.

6 steps to a new store interior from Smålandinredningar

1 Concept development 

Smålandsinredningar develops a concept and mood board to describe the feeling in the store. It is an appreciated collage that makes it easier for everyone involved.

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